
Tips for Organizing your Baby's Photo Album

Posted by Namely Newborns on Jan 1st 2015

It's 2012 and you promise yourself that this is the year you will organize your kid's photos. There are drawers full of photos that you haven't looked at sinceyour babies were born. Your digital camera is full of candid shots from his birth to his fifth birthday party. Your i phone is loaded with pictures. Where do you begin?

The really organized mom or grandmother started making albums the minute the new babywas born. Putting pictures in chronological order, adding cute caption and keeping a year by year account of his growth. But it's never too late to make a beginning and now is the time.

Strategies for Organizing Baby's Photos

1. Start organizing your most recent photos and move backword.

It is best to start today with the pictures you remember best. Add captions if you want . Put them in chronoligical order. Then add the next year and so on until they are all organized into years.

2. Throw out the ones you don't want!

It it has been three years or more and you still have the fuzzy shot of you coming home from the hospital with the baby along with the three good ones. Throw out the ones you don't want. Throw out the ones with the heads cut off, with the goofy smiles; the ones that are too dark or too light. Now is the time to edit . Make three piles.

3. Make three piles of pictures!

In the first pile put the the photos that you definitely want to keep.

In the second pile put the duplicates that you will give away.

In the third pile put all of the pictures that you will throw out . Once they are in the third pile - don't change your mind and keep them.

3. Create Albums

The traditional photo album is a great way to save pictures from baby's first year . Look for albums that have 4 by6 sleeves or sleeve protected pouches for odd sizes. Many families designate the larger 8 by 10 album for special occasion pictures including birthdays , holidays, family get togethers and so on. These albums are easy to get out and to display on coffee tables so that you can ready share these photos with family and friends. This photo collection is often a great gift to give someone you love. My own Mother made an album of my baby pictures and birthday pictures which you she kept to enjoy herself. I found them in her apartment after her death and I treasure her collection of my pictures.

Create photo albums from your digital photos.Designate one for each year since your baby was born. There are several on line sources that will help you with this task. You can add captions are just let the photos speak for themselves. As you upload your pictures, you can post them to social media like Facebook and other photo sharing sites. Pictures say a thousand words and your photo albums will become keepsakes.