
Picture This Baby Frames Are Given Away

Posted by Namely Newborns on Jan 1st 2015

Baby photos are so important especially during the first year of a baby's life. These photos are a great record of growth and so cute to send to friends and relatives. Now it is easy to store all of your photos on tiny discs that can be reviewed when they are older.

When my kids were growing up we stored photos the old fashion way in photo albums and inframes. Frames allow you enjoy pictures of your kids, grandchildren and special occasions in every room in your house. You can never have enough frames. Whenever my kids visit, they lovelooking at the framed pictures around the house and share them with their own kids. We constantly talk about the pictures, when they were taken , what we were doing and these pictures are great for starting conversation about our shared memories.

Photo albums may be old fashioned , but they are a great way to keep pictures within reach. Whether you keep the photo album on your cocktail table or in a closet, the memories are just within reach. decided to participate in this giantphoto giveway because we thought any project that promotes taking pictures of your baby is worthwhile. It will encourage young busy mothers to take a moment and photograph their baby as he goes through cute and amazing stages. It is not enough to take out your i-phone and snap a picture. You have to make an effort to not only take the pictures, but enlarge them, frame them and most importantly store them for future generations.

Here is an amazing $1000.00 giveaway that we decided to participate in. We have included our blue posh dot frame shown above. It is $22.00 and matches our very popular posh dot blanket.

We will be announcing 3 WINNERS next Wednesday morning! Check this link out and enter the contest. Retweet to your friends.